This article describes a language issue that occurs when you install language packs on computers that have Windows 8.1 Update 2919355 installed. Consider the symptoms and check the prerequisites before you apply the associated updates.Note These updates are incomplete language packs. The language packs contain only the updated resources for Windows 8.1 Update 2919355, and they should be applied only after the Windows 8.1 Language Pack has been installed.
Assume that you install Windows 8.1 from installation media that includes Windows 8.1 Update 2919355. Then, you add a language pack.Note This issue does not occur if you first install a language pack on a Windows 8.1-based computer, and then you install Windows 8.1 Update 2919355.
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This ISO is only available on Windows Server 2022 and combines the previously separate Features on Demand and Language Packs ISOs, and can be used as a FOD and Language pack repository. To learn about Features on Demand, see Features on Demand. To learn about adding languages, see Add Languages.
This option will only remove the provisioning for a package if it is registered to any user profile. Use the Remove-AppxPackage cmdlet in PowerShell to remove the app for each user that it is already registered to in order to fully remove the app from the image.If the app has not been registered to any user profile, the /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage option will remove the package completely.To remove app packages from a Windows Server 2012, or later, image that has the Desktop Experience installed, you must remove the app packages before you remove the Desktop Experience. The Desktop Experience is a requirement of the /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage option for Server Core installations of Windows Server.
When an .appxbundle is added to the image, not all resource packages within the bundle are applicable. For example, if an app is being added to a Windows image with a Spanish (Spain) default language, French (France) resources should not be included. To determine what resources are added to the image, the package applicability is determined using:
Language Resource Packs: If an operating system language is not present, the corresponding app language resource pack is not added. For example, you might have an image that is a Windows 10 with English (US) as the default language, and a Spanish (Spain) language pack included. English (US) and Spanish (Spain) app resource packs will be added to the image. If a French (France) resource pack (or any other language) is available in the app bundle, it will not be added.
For an image containing multiple language packs, app resource packages will be added to the image for each language. Once the first user has signed in to the PC with the deployed image and the user has chosen a language during OOBE, the inapplicable resource packages, (language resource packs, scale resource packs and DXFL resource packages) that do not match the user profile settings are removed.
For example, an app might support English (US), French (France), and Spanish (Spain) languages. If the app is added to an image with English (US) and Spanish (Spain) language packs present, only English (US) and Spanish (Spain) resource packs will be added these to the image. Then, if a user signs in for the first time and, during OOBE, selects English (US) as their operating system language, the Spanish (Spain) resource packages will be removed after sign in completes.
If you add or remove a language pack from an image, you change the applicability context which may result in leaving an incorrect or incomplete set of resource packages in the image. When a language pack is added or removed, you must, once again, add all .appxbundle packages (including any dependency packages and Microsoft Store license file) to the image. This will ensure that the correct set of resource packages is provisioned.
The Microsoft Speech Platform relies on different language packs in order to provide speech recognition capabilities for different languages. Microsoft Speech Platform supports 18 different languages and accents. You can download some of the more popular languages using the links below. For additional options, please contact Inventive Labs Technical Support.
Enhancements in Windows Server 2008 R2 include new functionality for Active Directory, new virtualization and management features, version 7.5 of the Internet Information Services web server and support for up to 256[13] logical processors. It is built on the same kernel used with the client-oriented Windows 7, and is the first server operating system released by Microsoft to exclusively support 64-bit processors, a move which was followed by the consumer-oriented Windows 11 in 2021. Windows Server 2008 R2 is also the last version of Windows to support Itanium processors; its successor, Windows Server 2012, supports x64 processors only.
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After you upgrade the SharePoint Web Front End (WFE) from Windows Server 2008 (R2) to Windows Server 2012, certain SharePoint Designer-customized views that have custom XSL templates may be broken. Moreover, the update can compromise server responsiveness. To resolve this issue, you can install the SharePoint Server update from June 2013 or a later version Cumulative Update (CU) after you upgrade the operating system.
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This section describes important known issues identified in Wonderware Application Server 3.5. L00069519: In a redundant load sharing environment, the cascade deployment of a backup platform does not deploy InTouch ViewApp instances, if the redundant AppEngine has InTouch proxy objects configured. Backup redundant object errors are logged. After the InTouch ViewApp deploy fails, it can be manually re-deployed. L00076557: Opening and closing a view window when "Advanced Communication Management" is enabled for the Galaxy may cause a different timestamp to be returned for the attribute from the DAServer, even though nothing has changed on the device. L00077487: During tag registration, Wonderware Historian discards the value for SampleCount (isSamples) provided by Application Server. Before installing Wonderware Application Server 3.1, apply Wonderware Historian 9.0 Patch 02 to resolve this issue. L00077490: Importing a client control from a Galaxy imports another version of the same client control if the other version resides in a different Galaxy on the same node. L00078221: After you migrate an Application Server 2.1 application to Application Server 3.0 or later, the wrong value is returned for the .NET ToLocalTime() function. Application Server 2.1 supports .NET 1.1, while Application Server 3.0 supports .NET 2.0. The DateTime structure in .NET 2.0 includes a new Kind property that indicates whether the time represents a local time, a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or whether UTC or local time is not specified. For more information, see the following Microsoft documentation: -us/library/system.datetime.aspx To migrate an Application Server 2.1 application to version 3.0 or higher, you must modify scripts that use the ToLocalTime() function. Use the new Kind property (DateTime.KindProperty) and specify the time before you run the ToLocalTime() function. For example:dim aTime as System.datetime;dim aTime2 as System.DateTime;aTime = me.lastpolltime;aTime = system.datetime.SpecifyKind(aTime, system.dateTimekind.utc); me.locallastpolltime = aTime.tolocaltime(); L00078446: The ArchestrA Symbol Editor stops responding when you edit the "format string" property of the "checked list box" client control. L00078465: Dates earlier to 1970 are not valid for purposes of the LogDataChangeEvent() script function. Using a date earlier than 1970 sends a warning message to the logger.Use a date on or after 1/1/1970 when using the "LogDataChangeEvent()" script. L00079595: Attempting to import a client control with the ArchestrA IDE fails if the file is located at a remote network location. Copy the client control file to the local computer where the ArchestrA IDE is installed to import operation. L00081837: The following error message appears when a non-upgraded IDE node (earlier than Wonderware Application Server 3.0 SP2) tries to connect to an upgraded Galaxy Repository node. Error message: "IDE cannot connect to remote GR node because it is an older version than this IDE version supports." L00083270: Spaces are not imported as part of the translation for the selected language. L00083909: InTouch applications receive Quality Status and Locale information from the deployed Galaxy. InTouch applications cannot receive data from an undeployed Galaxy. L00084306:StringFromTime() results are different in InTouch and Application Server. InTouch converts a timestamp given in UTC time to local time and returns the result as a string. This function takes Daylight Saving Time into account. The ArchestrA StringFromTime function still returns the time as GMT. Also, if you change the time zone while WindowViewer is running, the new time zone is not taken into consideration for script functions. On restart of the WindowViewer, the new time zone is taken into account for the script functions. This behavior occurs because time zone information is set during the view initialization. L00085806: The font used for graphics in ArchestrA symbols does not render properly in the Symbol Editor and on print outs, if the DPI of the screen or printer is less than or greater than 96-dpi. Wonderware does not support running the product in DPIs other than 96 DPI. L00086242:Unable to connect to test server nodes when using the SuiteLinkDDEClient object and trying to connect to a local server on Windows Vista. Connection is successful to the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 nodes. The issue does not occur if you put "localhost" in the node name of the DDESuiteLink DI object. L00087046: An embedded symbol is lost after swapping symbol names. VERL (Visual Element Reference List) corruption is artificially causing a circular reference. L00087247: InTouchViewApp fails to undo a checkout when there is a file-lock within the CheckOut folder. You should not attempt to check-in the InTouchViewApp. Fix the file-lock issue, and perform the "undo-checkout" again. L00087305: When you rename a referenced symbol while an object editor is open, the reference to the renamed symbol may be lost. L00087471: The background reference binding thread may stop processing because of a database connection failure. The following message is logged in the System Management Console: "Warning WWCdi CRefString(TagName Validation). Database connection is no longer valid." You must restart the aaGR.exe process to reestablish the connection to the database server. L00087752: You must restart the aaGR.exe after you import an object with a minor version increment, if the object is written in .NET.The issue may occur for ApplicationObjects written in .NET with the ApplicationObject Toolkit 3.1, versus ApplicationObjects written with an older version of the ApplicationObject Toolkit. Restart of the aaGR.exe is required if all of the following apply: DotNetAppObject version 1.0 is loaded in the Galaxy An object vendor creates a new minor version of DotNetAppObject version 1.1 An IDE user imports the new .aaPKG file with DotNetAppObject version 1.1 into the Galaxy that has DotNetAppObject 1.0 loaded.You must restart aaGR.exe for the new object to be recognized and deployed to the IDE nodes.
L00089937: Importing a major version of an object instance that is on a platform which is currently deployed will result in aaPIM logged messages. To resolve the issue, the platform hosting the object must be undeployed to clear the errors. L00092635:Application Server 3.1 SP2 will import an alarm comment file for language switching of format Galaxy_ACLSGalaxy1_2058_Alarm_Comments_Untranslated.txt but InTouch WindowMaker doesn't recognize the file. This behavior is as-designed. InTouch will only recognize file format %_AlarmComment.txt. The option to export untranslated comments was provided in Application Server in order to diagnose and verify quickly whether all translations for a specific locale have been done, and to manage or find untranslated alarm messages in large galaxies. This functionality was provided as value added for Wonderware Application Server, but was not required for InTouch. L00092675:In the alarm comment run-time language switching feature, the PhraseId can go out of sync in exported files for the same alarm message in different languages. This does not cause problems in exporting or importing alarm messages into the Galaxy, but it can lead to a failure in InTouch to switch the alarm comment language in run time. Alarms for which the PhraseId does not match between the different languages will not switch. Instead of showing the translated message, the default alarm message, in English if the Galaxy was created in English, will be displayed.The Lang.dll in InTouch has been modified to log a warning in the SMC that the current alarm message does not match across translated languages. The message recommends that you re-export all the languages of the conflicting file from the Galaxy, and re-import them to the InTouch application. The conflicting file name will be part of the message. We recommend that you keep all the translated exported language files in sync. 2ff7e9595c